Tuesday, April 27

Garden Update 4

Busy..Busy..Busy. Our Peas are really growing and starting to cling to everything it touches. yikes I used pencils as a temporary set to keep them growing straight. We planted some more plants Mint, Lavender, a Sweet Salad Mix and Cucumbers. YUM! I can't wait in til everything is starts to grow. Today was a gardening day, in the front Rodney and I fixed some of the plants in the front re~lining them and also put some more mulch in the bed. Also put some weed & feed out in the front lawn. I had no idea its so much Work trying to keep grass growing. I'm having so much fun gardening. In the pictures above are of our puppy's Wyatt has the red bandanna and Tyson w/out one aren't they cute. They are both enjoying the backyard and the grass that is finally growing.

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