Friday, September 10

Butler,PA I had a Blast with all my family my mom and I spent 4nights and 5days with all the family. Enjoying my cousin wedding, rodeo and fireside talks catching up on everything we missed. I even got visist with my great grandma which is 95yrs old. It was great to see everyone and catch up, it reminded me when i use to go up there every summer and stay.

I've miss you BLOG

Summer Garden Ends/Fall Garden Begins

Cucumber, Okra and at the bottom is Jalepena peppers.

This some of what is left of the summer garden. In the garden now is a growing watermelon, lettce and okra. We've had so much fun with our first garden, we planted a fall garden which contains bib lettce,celery, poatoes,swiss chard,cilantro and red onions. I'm very excited to see what the fall will brings us.