Monday, May 16

What a busy weekend graduation, birthday party and prep for birth class all in one weekend means a super tried pregnant women! LOL Friday was Mary graduation she graduated with her masters what a accomplishment! I really do look up to her that's a achievement most women can't do in their life time and she did it! Congratulations! Saturday Rodney and I celebrated Sean and Bennie birthdays at a restaurant Chuy's Mexican food. We both had a great time felt like the gang was back together for once, we all hadn't seen each other for a long while. Sunday we went to a Prep for childbirth class it was a really long class both Rodney and I were really tried at this point.. It was an 8 hour class but it was informative. Learn a couple of things and was refreshed in other things. I was really glad to have awesome weekend with friends and family but this pregnancy is really starting to get to me. I'm feeling really tried lately just like first trimester, I feel like I'm slowing down feet and legs are swelling, heartburn never really eases up and stomach is starting to feel heavy. I'm really curious to know how much baby Claire weights, I'm getting anxious to know. 6 weeks left = 46 days :D I'm still working just slower but working and sleeping are my main points right now. I've got so much to get done before she gets here. Our garden is really growing the pumpkins are starting to grow outside the box and the lettuce is slowing starting to inch off the grow. "Life is growing" this pregnancy might have slow me down but life couldn't be any better. I'm ever so grateful I have such a wonderful husband that is helping me along the way.

1 comment:

  1. It will be alright Hun. Everyone at the end of their pregnancy feels tired and heavy and soon you'll get to the point where you feel "done", but God will only give you as much as you can handle. Just remember that!
