Garden Update, the garden is really growing the past couple of days we have gotten showers. Every time it rains our garden just shoots off into sprouts and see a dramatic difference in the garden here in the picture is bib lettuce growing. Look their is no holes in the leaves!! I better not say that too loud because we haven't put anything in the garden.
60days or less in til baby Claire is expected to show her face.. We are getting ready for her, we got great advice from a friend and that is to go out as many dates as you can because once the baby comes they are going to be limited. I'm going to take that advice to heart so their are a couple of date nights coming up soon. Stay posted for ideas. Also my sister is going to be coming into town in July so I've been searching for things to do since we is going to be bring her kids along. I know Texas can get hot and with a newborn I'm trying to find things to do low cost but we will see. I didn't know life could get any busy, I'm 31wks pregnant and I'm working full time. I am so tried most days I can just sit on the couch and rest and be fine with it! so I hope to trick myself to stay busy and move around by making a "to do list" at least I'll have a goal each day I'm off so I can get things done.
Your hubby is such a good man. I have always wanted one of those. I would eat it in one day haha. And praise the Lord for the full-time position coming up. I love when I see prayers answered. YAY!