Tuesday, July 6

Summer School is Over

Today was my finals and I'm done with school for a couple of months. Thank you god. At one point I felt like I was dragging myself thorough gravel. I've been attending school for a while and I'm just ready to be either done or stop it all together. IDK I'll just see where everything leads. I'm going to start reading book's again, good books. I am starting back reading the Night of House series. I haven't picked up my NOOK in such a long time. Wednesday which is going to be tommrrow is going to be Rodney&Katrina day. Its been just under 2wks we have actually done something fun together and made it a date. Plus We both haven't had the same day off together. I am super excited about doing "something" fun together. Life is great :)


  1. I know what you mean. I haven't worked on the book I'm writing in a long while because of work and Baby Girl lol. I just started writing again yesterday..YAY for us both. :))

  2. yeah, I bet its busy! I know it can be busy!
