Friday, June 18

Summer is off to a good run! We've had some health issues (TTC) but that's okay. I hope to find some answers soon. I will keep praying that one day we will get our bundle of joy at a perfect time.
Summer school is going by really fast, its hard to study again this semester. I'm just ready for a BREAK! idunno if just if I'm getting older and tried of it oR what! I think june has been really hard for me.

Work is changing for what you called like it and now hate it and wanna cry. I consider working on a different floor but I've been there almost 5yrs.

I just think my stress levels are really high.. we went to galveston to get away and helped me relax alot which was awesome!..
Once we got back so did everything eles hopefully my restless nights go away and school ends on a good note.

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